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Grade Levels
Viewing 37 resources

Playground Circuit Activity Gr 4-7

Every school can have a Playground Circuit, unique to its playground. Circuits have students running, skipping, hopping, jumping, weaving, and sidestepping around the playground area as well as over, under, around, through, on and off the adventure playground structure.
Grade Level , , ,

Brain Builders Activity Gr K-3

Short movement breaks energize and activate the body and develop the brain. Actions accompanied by music help to develop coordination, rhythm, sequencing and listening skills.
Grade Level , , ,

Elastic Jump Rope Activity Gr K-3

Elastic jump rope is a game enjoyed around the world also known as Chinese jump rope, elastics or skip tape. It is a great activity for building strength, endurance, and strong bones. Can be done indoors or outdoors.
Grade Level , , ,

Grip Strengthening Activity Gr K-3

Hand gripping exercises are a simple and effective way to improve grip strength, reduce playground injuries and build strength for activities using objects such as bats, racquets, or sticks.
Grade Level , , ,

Dynamic Head-to-Toe Stretch Activity Gr 4-7

This activity provides a dynamic 10 stretch sequence that can be done anywhere.
Grade Level , , ,

Head-to-Toe Stretch Poster

This poster supports the Head-to-Toe Stretch learning activities.
Grade Level , , , , , , ,

Brain Dance Poster

This poster supports the Brain Dance Learning Activity.
Grade Level , , ,

Tai Chi Activity Gr K-3

Tai chi is an ancient martial art, now practised worldwide for its health benefits. Many people practise the art of tai chi as a way of developing good posture and promoting skeletal and muscular health, as well as focusing and calming the mind.
Grade Level , , ,

Bounce at the Bell Activity Gr K-3

Short movement breaks energize and activate the body and develop the brain. Actions accompanied by music help to develop coordination, rhythm, sequencing and listening skills.
Grade Level , , ,

Playground & Tag Activity Gr K-3

Playground and tag games are highly active, easy to modify and students can initiate them on their own after learning some basics. Playground and tag games help build fundamental movement skills and social skills such as cooperation, conflict resolution, and fair play.
Grade Level , , ,

Playground Circuit Activity Gr K-3

Every school can have a Playground Circuit, unique to its playground. Circuits have students running, skipping, hopping, jumping, weaving, and sidestepping around the playground area as well as over, under, around, through, on and off the adventure playground structure.
Grade Level , , ,

Throwing, Catching & Coordination Activity Gr K-3

These activities promote the development of hand-eye co-ordination, and the ability of the eyes to track and focus. Throwing and catching from left hand to right hand, and left hand to right hand, also enhances cross-lateral brain activity.
Grade Level , , ,

Hop Skip and Jump Stations Activity Gr K-3

A fun stations activity utilizing Hopscotch, Skipping, Bounce at the Bell jumps and more!
Grade Level , , ,

Dance Activity Gr K-3

Dance contributes to the development of body awareness, coordination, creative expression, and cooperation and extensive fundamental movements. Vigorous dances provide hearts, muscles, and bones a workout too.
Grade Level , , ,

Brain Dance Activity Gr K-3

BrainDance reinforces fundamental developmental movement patterns and the related neural connections. Performing movements regularly improves efficiency of movement, clarity of thinking, and rejuvenates energy.
Grade Level , , ,

Sample Letter to Parents

This is a customizable version of the Letter to Parents used in the Food Customs Instructional Example.
Grade Level

Tai Chi 8-Step Standing Sequence Activity All Grades

Flow through the steps slowly with emphasis on precise movement, proper alignment, calm breathing in and out, keeping head up and eyes focused and soft.
Grade Level , , , , , , ,

Chair Aerobics and Routines Activity Gr K-3

Perform active routines to music and get a workout in and around a chair while developing fundamental movements!
Grade Level , , ,

Static/Dynamic Head-to-Toe Stretch Activity Gr K-3

Stretching keeps the body relaxed and flexible, reduces injury, and increases range of motion.
Grade Level , , ,

Elastic Jump Rope Activity Gr 4-7

Elastic jump rope is a great activity for building strength, endurance, and strong bones. Can be done indoors or outdoors.
Grade Level , , ,

Bounce at the Bell Activity Gr 4-7

This activity focuses on building strong bones through jumping. A simple, quick activity that can be done anywhere and easily integrated into the school day.
Grade Level

Sticks, Hoop and Pole Activity Gr 4-7

Games involving sticks and targets, as well as hoops and poles, were popular with First Peoples groups from the northern boreal region of Canada. These traditional games can be easily modified for implementation at school.
Grade Level , , ,

Being Me

In this resource, the lessons and activities are designed to teach students about the development of positive body image and self-esteem, along with messages that serve to help prevent disordered eating.
Grade Level , , , , , , ,

Skipping Rope Activity Gr K-3

Skipping rope builds strong bones, develops muscle endurance, promotes healthy hearts, and increases coordination.
Grade Level , , ,

100 Actions on 100's Day Activity Gr K-3

A fun way to complete a variety of actions on 100's day!
Grade Level , , ,

Playground & Tag Activity Gr 4-7

Playground and tag games are highly active, easy to modify and students can initiate them on their own after learning some basics. Playground and tag games help build fundamental movement skills and social skills such as cooperation, conflict resolution, and fair play.
Grade Level , , ,

Brain Builders Activity Gr 4-7

When we take a brain break, it refreshes our thinking and helps us discover another solution to a problem or see a situation through a different lens.
Grade Level , , ,

Playground Games Stations Activity Gr 4-7

Every school can have a Playground Games Stations. Little equipment is required.
Grade Level , , ,

Stretching Activity Gr 4-7

Stretching increases joint range of motion and blood flow to the brain, contributes to muscle development, and decreases risk of injury. Stretching provides an opportunity to practise breathing and relaxing that can decrease stress and enhance body and self- awareness.
Grade Level , , ,

Yoga Activity Gr 4-7

Yoga is a system of total body movements that incorporate stretching and poses with breath, relaxation and imagery. Yoga develops body awareness and improves flexibility, strength, balance and mental focus. Participating in yoga often has a calming effect.
Grade Level , , ,

Static/Dynamic Head-to-Toe Stretch Activity Gr 4-7

Stretching keeps the body relaxed and flexible, reduces injury, and increases range of motion.
Grade Level , , ,

Skipping Rope Activity Gr 4-7

Skipping rope builds strong bones, develops muscle endurance, promotes healthy hearts, and increases coordination.
Grade Level , , ,

Stretching Activity Gr K-3

Muscle strength, endurance and flexibility enhance functional ability and support life-long active living. Additionally, stretching increases range of motion, contributes to muscle development, and can help prevent injuries.
Grade Level , , ,

Dance Activity Gr 4-7

Dance contributes to the development of body awareness, coordination, creative expression, and cooperation and extensive fundamental movements. Vigorous dances provide hearts, muscles, and bones a workout too.
Grade Level , , ,

Yoga Activity Gr K-3

Yoga is a system of total body movements that incorporate stretching and poses with breath, relaxation and imagery. Yoga develops body awareness and improves flexibility, strength, balance and mental focus. Participating in yoga often has a calming effect.
Grade Level , , ,

Tai Chi Activity Gr 4-7

Tai chi is an ancient martial art, now practised worldwide for its health benefits. Many people practise the art of tai chi as a way of developing good posture and promoting skeletal and muscular health, as well as focusing and calming the mind.
Grade Level , , ,

Juggling Hand and Foot Activity Gr 4-7

Use bean bags, scarves and paper balls to provide a safe yet powerful brain builder. These activities develop agility, hand-eye coordination, and the ability of the eyes to track and focus.
Grade Level , , ,
Viewing 37 resources