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Visit Erase for resources on:
Mental health and wellbeing, online safety and violence,
SOGI 123 and Substance use.
First Nations Health Authority
Learning First People’s Classroom Resources
Aboriginal Education Teaching Tools and Resources
SPEC (Society for Promoting Environmental Conservation)
BC Agriculture in the Classroom
School Gardens
Farm to School
Sip Smart BC
Guidelines for Food and Beverage Sales in BC Schools
Canada's Food Guide
Nutrition Education BC Dairy
Action Schools!BC
Play Builder
PHE Canada
Let's Play
HUB Cycling
Media Smarts
Let's Play Toolkit
Rick Hansen Foundation School Program
5 Moore Minutes
Pride Education Network
Options for Sexual Health
Smart Sex Resources
Island Sexual Health
Active for Life
Teaching Sexual Health

Visit Erase for resources on:
Mental health and wellbeing, online safety and violence, SOGI 123 and Substance use.
Resources included have been identified by Healthy Schools BC staff as educator-focused,
evidence-informed and relevant across B.C. This list is not exhaustive of all available resources.
Additional health-education resources are available at TeachBC, erase and edutopia.
Evidence-based health information is available at HealthLink BC.