CSH is an internationally recognized framework for supporting
improvements in students’ educational outcomes while addressing
school health in a planned, integrated and holistic way.
For a short and simple explanation of CSH, please view the video below.
Note: The language describing the four pillars of CSH have evolved since the creation of this video. The updated language reflects input from BC educators on what resonated best with them and their students, see below.
Where does the idea of CSH come from?
The principles of CSH are drawn from two World Health Organization documents: the 1986 Ottawa Charter on Health Promotion, and the 1997 Jakarta Declaration. The Ottawa Charter was signed at the first-ever international conference for health promotion, which was held in Ottawa. The Jakarta Declaration, signed at a subsequent conference, reiterated the principles of the Ottawa Charter and emphasized the importance of combining multiple strategies for health promotion. Both documents speak to health promotion in general and have been used to guide the development of healthy schools programs….
CSH Components
CSH extends far beyond what happens in the classroom. It encompasses the whole school environment with actions in four distinct but inter-related areas:

What are the benefits of CSH?
Research consistently shows that health and education are connected1. Children and youth cannot achieve their fullest potential as learners if their physical, mental, intellectual or emotional health is compromised.
Similarly, learning has a positive influence on students’ health – both in the short- and long-term. For example, students who enjoy nutritious foods and regular physical activity will not only learn better, they’re forming healthy habits that will help to support their well-being for a lifetime….
Who can participate?
Partnership is one of the most important aspects of Comprehensive School Health. To maximize the benefits, all members of the school community work together to make the school the best possible place to learn, work and play.
In addition to students, families, educators and school staff, partners in creating a healthy school may include any or all of the following:
- health promotion specialists;
- public health nurses;