Nut free
Oatmeal Bannock (2-ways)
1.5 L (6 cups) whole wheat flour
1.5L (6 cups) all purpose flour
250 ml (1 cup) oatmeal
45 ml (3 tbsp) baking powder
250 ml (1 cup) vegetable oil
120 ml ( ½ cup) skim milk powder
1.5L (6 cups) water
Oven Method:
- Preheat oven to 190°C/375°F.
- In a large bowl, mix together flours, baking powder and powdered milk.
- Blend in vegetable oil until mixture looks crumbly.
- Add water and mix thoroughly. If the dough is too dry, add more water.
- Put into 2 large pans and pat out. Prick all over with a fork.
- Bake at 375 °F for about 45 minutes.
Bonfire Method:
- Prepare basic dough.
- Press dough into a ¼” rectangle.
- Cut in strips 1” wide. Wind the dough, spiralling around a stick about ½” thick.
- Holding the stick about 8” from the fire, rotate it slowly until the bannock is golden brown.
BC Wildfire Services’ campfire brochure shares important reminders on safe campfire use.
Wash hands before handling food, after handling raw foods, and after any activity that may contaminate hands.
Use clean and sanitized equipment and utensils. Use gloves or tongs when handling food.
Return all ingredients to refrigerated storage if preparation is delayed or interrupted.
Hold cold items below 40˚F or 4˚C, and hot food items above 140˚F or 60˚C