For any external food provider, supplier or vendor seeking information on how their products can support healthy school food environments, the following sections may be of interest:

General Nutrition Information

The General Nutrition Information page provides lists of ideas of food and beverages to serve frequently, as well as those suggested to serve infrequently and in smaller serving sizes, for each of the food categories. It also includes some tips for meal and snack planning. PDF versions of the Food Lists can also be accessed.
Vending Machines & School Stores
Recognizing that some vending machines may have limitations to the food options that can be placed into their machines (for example, fitting in the coils), this section offers some advice on how vendors and schools can use the % Daily Value, found on the Nutrition Facts table of food products, to offer more nutritious options.
External Food Providers
This page provides some tips for schools to consider when working with external food providers.
Provide answers to commonly asked questions about the content and use of the toolkit.